Does Putin have the Nato Codes?

Since yesterday, I have been re-reading the hacked correspondence of Alexander Dugin’s associate, Georgi Gavrish. (His mailbox was hacked a couple of months ago and leaded by RU Anonymous International, an extremely effective ethical-hacking group. I re-read it because of my recollection of a serious link between Dugin and Syriza that was revealed throughout the correspondence. I have been tweeting on this since last night, but now stumbled across something that may be more sinister – and would like to share it asap. Two senior members of the new Greek government appear to have more than symbolic links to someone or something in Moscow. One is the new minister of foreign affairs of Greece, Nikos Kotzias. He is a frequent visitor of Moscow, and since early 2013 has ordered – for some inexplicable reason no doubt limited to scientific curiosity- a series of sociological studies on “perception of Russia in Greece”, and the like. All of which he then diligently sent on to Moscow. Not surprising then that one of his first political post-election statements was that EU sanctions on Russia must be scaled down.       But I don’t have time for the Foreign Minister now. I would like to share this mysterious – and very troubling – email relating to the current Greek Minister of Defense. Pannos Kammenos is the founder of “independent Greeks”, a new anti-establishment and extreme-right/nationalist movement set up in 2012. Until recently,  no one seemed to suspect close ties between Independent Greeks and the extreme-left Syriza cluster. Thus, the appointment of Kammenos as the Minister of Defense came as a shock to many. And here comes this email from one of the Syriza ideologues, and confidant of Dugin’s associate Gavrish, dated 25 October 2014. The email, translated from Greek,  reads roughly as follows:

“Basically I think this has something to do with his Institute of Geopolitical Studies,. It is a structure that Kammenos set up for his party, but as far as I know has not until now done any work. The seminar was arranged by a professor from Thrace named Tsalidis, who said it should enable the Russians to say their views on Ukraine etc.
Panos re-appeared a month ago  full of excitement“, calling for tactical collaborations [with Syriza, c.g.], then went to Moscow for private reasons as he told us (attended a friend’s wedding), and then disappeared off the face of the Earth in a pretty impressive way. I’m very curious if you ever get to hear what explanation they give for the disappearance. 
I realize that there is little they may do with us. They are self-sufficient and do not need us.….”

So, the way I read it:

  • Kammenos Panos suddenly re-appears from somewhere with an unexpected urge to “tactically cooperate” with Syriza.
  • Then he goes to Moscow for a friend’s wedding , and “disappears off the face of the earth in the most impressive way“.
  • Then he comes back and suddenly appears as the new Minister of Defense in an ideologically unlikely coalition government.

Now let’s add a few other points to the timeline:

One 18 November 2014, Panos’s Institute signed a “strategic cooperation” memorandum with the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies. RISS is a government-sponsored think thank whose stated mission is to “support the Federal authorities with research and analysis relating to Russia’s interests in the near abroad and elsewhere”. Its chairman is Leonid Reshetnikov, a General-Leutenant who spent his life working for the  KGB and “retired” from the FSB in late 2009. (thanks to Robert Coalson for this find)

And then fast-forward to two weeks ago. This picture: from January 15th 2015. Kammenos is far right (no pun intended). Left and middle are two veteran  members of the Russian Duma, Frants Klinsevich and Alexei Pushkov.

Does Putin have the NATO codes?

How about now?

And how about now?

2 thoughts on “Does Putin have the Nato Codes?

  1. These are important posts, thank you. One point I have: I think it’s important to stop calling Shaltai Boltai “Anonymous International.” They don’t call themselves that. They call themselves Shaltai Boltai, which is like “Humpty Dumpty” in Russian. The media calls them “Anonymous Internationa,” and perhaps some documents here and there show them even they use this term, but it is very misleading.

    That’s because there really isn’t any “Anonymous International”. Anonymous, the movement that is very well known in the US and Europe, doesn’t have an “internationale”. And Anonymous, as it actually is particularly in the US, is entirely pro-Moscow. It’s supportive of Edward Snowden, but that’s only one of the numerous pro-Kremlin positions it takes. It never, ever, ever in its life hacked anything in Russia. Such things that it hacks that might *seem* to be about Russia are actually only about harassing Western corporations that they dislike anyway for their anti-capitalist or anti-government positions, and so they try to shame them with a Syrian or Russian connection. That’s not hacking Russia.

    Just read @YourAnonNews and any of the main massively-followed Anonymous accounts and you will see that they are never, ever critical of Moscow on any of the most basic points, i.e. supporting the right of the opposition to freedom of speech, or condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine.

    1. Catherine – while I agree there is no real structured “Anonymous International”, Shaltay Boltay refer to themselves as “Anonymous International” (check out the header at Again, agree it’s unlikely to be part of the Snowden-supporting group, but I think any hacker group can choose how to refer to themselves, and they should be aware of the perceived linkage to Anonymous. Anyway, I asked them to comment on this and will publish response..

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